About us
Dealer network
Represented in more than 65 countries thoughout the world
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Tap into the strength of our global dealer network
Packaging solutions driven by entrepreneurship
Since the foundation of Audion packaging machines in 1947 we have invested in a worldwide dealer network. Although driving a car at that time was considered as exceptional the founder of Audion Packaging Machines flew already all over the world. Cherry-picking to find the ideal dealer collaboration in order to expand the brand Audion Packaging Machines. Companies who had a similar vision, being committed, proactive and embracing demand-driven innovations. Companies who are not afraid to stand out and dive into the deep.
Powerfull companies in manpower, technical knowledge and financial strength. Companies who can represent an A-brand like Audion Packaging Machines and who are eager to be successful.
Today, almost eight decades later we are proud to say that Audion Packaging Machines is still collaborating with many dealers from back then. A close dealer network sharing customer needs and opportunities. Second and third generations have taken over the businesses. Young men and female who have grown up with Audion Packaging Machines and who are now in charge. Young bright minds who are adopting the challenges of the modern society, seizing opportunities with the same spirit of how it all started in 1947 when the men from Amsterdam stepped out of that strange looking flying machine.
We love challenges and seize opportunities. It is simply in our DNA.
We are dedicated to deliver a high customer value and customer satisfaction which form a paramount contribution to our success.
Our broad knowledge of customer needs and our global, highly committed dealer network, sharing market insights lead to demand-driven innovations, building long lasting relationships.
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