Badge Direct - Automation of the packaging process
To grow to a million orders or more, we needed a streamlined packaging process.
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Reach the highest level of productivity and flexibility with the unrivalled bagger integrating next-bag-out printing
We are more than willing to support you with your request or run a demo with your packaging.
The innovative and standard richly equipped Speedpack 550 Orderfulfillment is, thanks to its highly advanced technology, a sublime packaging solution for order fulfillment and distribution facilities.
This automatic bagger works with tubular film as well as pre-opened bags-on-roll, allowing maximum flexibility. By operating tubular film material costs are substantly lowered due to the right-sizing of the bag: bag lengths can be easily changed for every order, saving you material cost and lowering your shipping cost.
And besides, you are still saving time and thus labour cost: packing more orders with less effort, while experiencing added value.
What else is important?!
Innovative technology and advanced engineering are at the heart of Speedpack. A sophisticated coding solution (label print or thermal printing) comes standard with the Speedpack Order fulfillment. This guarantees that every order is uniquely supplied with a (shipping) label, packed in a fitted bagsize.
Channel your process, boost your production and customer satisfaction.
This engineering masterpiece manufactured in our German plant embraces:
The Speedpack series are a milestone in Audion packaging innovation. The Speedpack 550 Orderfulfillment provides the power, growth and progress you need. Handle your (daily) order peaks. Faster, Easier, Safer.
It was never so easy to increase your output with less effort than with Speedpack 550 Order fulfillment. The large infeed area facilitates a safe, fast and easy access to pack your e-commerce orders. Working with this cutting-edge packaging machine has a direct positive impact on your business results. Every product packed in the right size, reducing human intervention and reducing changeover downtime. When customer satisfaction and speeding up the process with less costs is your goal: Speedpack is your choice.
Grow your business and secure your future. This Full Option solution for E-fulfillment is the new proven & golden standard to optimize warehouses. It has been designed with the future in mind, tailored to our most discerning customers. No concession on quality of components, all guaranteed high-end, to ensure reliability and a long uninterrupted service life. And when you need more customization there are additional options available. The Speedpack can even be integrated in an automated production line to keep you on the roll.
E-Commerce and Order fulfillment are booming. Currently there is a lot of low-hanging fruit that you can take advantage of. With Speedpack Hybrid 550 you have the best of the best. State-of-the-art technology to increase your production and justify it. This machine is not like anything else. It's a class of it's own. Don't settle for less if you want to make progress and increase your profitability.
This full order fulfillment solution is designed to withstand high demanding environments. The patented hybrid technology helps you to maintain flexibility on film choice and save on material and labor costs. The high-end PLC facilitates optimum connectivity. Increased safety features are part of this Full Option high-tech packaging beast. Everybody can work faster, easier and safer when the Speedpack 550 Order fulfillment.
Due to the enormous growth in e-commerce orders it has become crucial for warehouses to use material and labor effectively.
This bagger is ideal for e-commerce, order fulfillment and distribution
facilities that require the highest level of performance in their order
fulfillment packaging operation. According to our customers and users this Speedpack model is "robust, impressive, sturdy, compact and above all a powerful cost-efficient heavy duty packaging machine".
Let Speedpack help you to cope with your daily order peaks
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Working with Speedpack 550 Order fulfillment generates the following benefits
Speedpack 550 Order fulfillment is a special designed packaging solution integrating a full package of features. Optionally your E-commerce bagger can be upgraded with the following options:
Speedpack 550 Order fulfillment is a patented compact form/fill/seal system designed to meet the highest demanding environments. We designed this solution from our wide experience of implementing packaging solutions within warehouses all over the world.
From our wide experience in E-commerce solutions we have already selected the best features that have real impact to your efficiency. All are integrated in the Speedpack Orderfulfillment, excelling on power & control. For special requirements and to create your ultimate integrated e-fulfillment solution Audion's R&D team will be able to design customized engineering.
Integrating the 550 Speedpack into your warehouse means integrating a powerful Tech-Magic. This model is designed to relieve employees during (daily) order peaks without compromising on speed and ergonomics. A special engineered turbo motor automatically lifts the adjustable bag support to the desired height of the connecting discharge conveyor, to pack, seal & discharge faster than ever.
Whether you prefer a label apllication uniquely printed onto the bag, or a direct thermal print, all is already included. As an extra option we can create a Carrying handle for convenient bag carrying. And everything at a right-sized bag for each of your orders! No customer frustration, your products are delivered in the most sustainable way.
Each mail order packed in a right-sized bag. No option, but standard integrated to save on material costs, reducing waste and limiting your shipping cost. The implementation of this unique and revolutionary feature in Speedpack Orderfulfillment distinguishes Speedpack Orderfulfillment from any other e-commerce solution. What else is needed?
No option, but standard included: clear and user-friendly 7 inch touchscreen & integrated unique Audion software for quick access to product packaging recipes. More operation easiness is created by the standard Easy load bag openers which square the bag open for ease of product loading and supporting heavier products. Integrated sensors automatically detect the bag if ready to receive product.
Do you want to know what the Audion Speedpack Orderfulfillment can offer for your company? Feel free to contact us so we can explore together which Audion packing solution benefits you most.
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